[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#4dffa6]Dorothy Pender[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/7c30410a707680df038506664046102b/tumblr_inline_nm8v38p5e81rrrkde.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Outside the Boy's Room/Cell ---> the Kitchen[/center][hr][hr]Dorothy listened carefully, waiting to see if there would be any other outcries. Hearing nothing from within the cell, she quickly went back inside of the medical bay, fetching one of her medical texts. Her cleaning was largely complete, and during these rare moments, it wouldn't hurt to re-read on the various inner-workings of medical practice. Sitting outside of the cell with the textbook, Dorothy flipped to the chapter on poisonous substances, and began to read. [i]Cū dúsù shì fēicháng wéixiǎn de, dàn zài mǒu xiē yīliáo shíjiàn zhōng kěyǐ yòng yú mǒu xiē yōushì. Běn gōngzuò de mùdì shì liǎojiě zhè zhǒng dúsù de gè zhǒng liúxíng bìng xué, línchuáng hé bìnglǐ shēnglǐxué fāngmiàn, bìng quèrèn qí zuì yǒuxiào de yòngtú.[/i] Turning the page, Dorothy mused on the topic. It was a discussion of the use of botulinum toxin as a medicine, rather than a poison. The date on the article was dreadfully old, but it had been important enough to include in one of her texts. She continued to read on, enjoying the refresher of her knowledge, but equally troubled that she may come across some fact that would not bode well for the Captain. Dorothy hadn't been notified as to whether or not the Captain would need additional assistance--she decided to take that as a sign of Anisa's quick recovery. [color=4dffa6]"Would you [i]please[/i] quit hollering?"[/color] Dorothy groaned, hearing the kid start to act up again as the ship sputters to life. She rolled her eyes slightly, imagining that Gideon had just hit the console until it turned on. [color=4dffa6]"I can't hear myself think with that gorrham racket!"[/color] But that hardly seemed to help. The boy was banging on the door, and Dorothy could make out what he was saying--barely. Seemed the kid wanted something to eat. She let out a sigh, half tempted to let him starve, but the bangs were getting to be irritating. It was her only time to read, and here he was, making it impossible for her to concentrate. Putting her book down, Dorothy pondered going into the Med Bay, and simply getting the kid a glass of water. But her occupation got the best of her--he needed actual food--and she decided to head up to the kitchen to fetch something. Yet as she heard the yelling as she approached the kitchen, Dorothy couldn't help but wince. She should've let the kid tough it out. She did [i]not[/i] need to be there when Anisa was pissed.