[center][h2][color=f7941d][u] [i][b][color=orange] [color=f9ad81]☯[/color] Kimi [color=f9ad81]☯[/color] [/color][/b][/i] [/u] [sup][sup][color=f9ad81]Current Location: City Guard Office[/color][/sup][/sup] [img] http://i.imgur.com/4YSUhsH.png [/img][/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] It was good to see that they were still welcoming adventurers and Kimi politely bowed her head to the voice of authority. Yet the mention of a thief around these parts made her curious and she looked at the poster Viola unrolled. The girl-at least she thought it was a girl?-on the poster looked no younger than her! Surely a child couldn’t be responsible for such malice? In any case, she ignored that for now to focus more on the people around her group. And what a bunch they were! All sorts of shapes and sizes, though the lizard-looking man made her chuckle nervously. Sure looks didn’t define a person, but come on, he looked like a villain out of anyone here. But again, surely he wasn’t all that bad right? Yet even as she thought that, Sagant seemed to prove her thoughts correct as he waltzed to the door and practically assaulted their target with dark tentacles. Dark tentacles of malice. Kimi gasped at the brute display; from Sagant’s apparent questioning, to their captive’s loud curses, down to the others stepping in to assist in the mayhem. Then came the mention of rope. Kimi’s cheeks turned just a tad shade of red at the suggestion but she kept those thoughts to herself. At least Elnariel was implying a less forceful suggestion that didn’t overtly involve violence. [color=orange]“Can’t we just, you know, talk to her normally? Maybe give her some time to calm down first?”[/color] she said aloud before turning to their captive. [color=orange]"Er….you are a “her” right?”[/color] [hr] [center][@The1Rolling1Boy], [@PentagonWhite], [@duskshine749], [@Mega Birb], [@RoflsMazoy], [@Themerlinhawk], [@KoL], [@CelticSoldier][/center]