Feon had spent the day searching for the carvern. If she had not met up with her old friend Kol'Rakul she would have never found the gnome or the meeting spot. Though she had not known him for more than one time they had worked togeather, she knew him well enough that he had to be kept in check. The big oaf was terrible at controling himself after all. Feon walked through the trees following a path left by Kol'Rakul. "You need to learn to hold back when you meet people." Feon said in a slightly annoyed tone as she had her arms crossed, an annoyed look on her face. "One of these day's that personality is gonna get you more than killed." She added as she walked towards the group. It was quite the group that was for sure. She had decided to take on this mission as she wanted to test how far she had come in her own training to be more resistant against being possessed. Of course trying to keep herself stalwart against spirits that wanted in rarely worked. She had been trying a new method recently and wanted to test it. But the fact that she was born to be a vessel did not help her in the least with her on going battle. "I must apologize for the big oafs rather, unruly entrance. I'll be trying to keep him inline for this job." Feon added as she looked at the others. Her metal claw weapons hung on the back of her sash, clinking togeather. Feon already had a dislike for a few people in this group. For one the circus man annoyed her the most. With his loud dogs and what not. She wouldn't be getting much sleep with those things around. Then there was the girl with the aversion to sunlight. Feon had a hatred for creatures of the dark, that was true. She would be keeping her eye on that one.