Valerie wasn't sure what that kind of experience would do to her, how it would compare to how Markus had changed. If she could survive it at all, of course. Her fortitude was not of the same caliber that Markus had built his up to... but maybe it was things like that that made it so. She had no desire to test it, of course, but considering her line of work and her willingness to take risks, she wondered if it wasn't simply a matter of time. Sobering, indeed. But the food was ready to take her mind off of it, and Valerie sat up to eat. She took the throwing knife from Markus with a mock daintiness, as though she was being treated to some kind of delicacy in her family's dining hall. She snickered lightly, and took a bite. Delicacy it was not, but it was far more nourishing than any treat she'd had growing up, and she found she appreciated it quite a bit more. When they were both full and satisfied Valerie's sleepiness began to creep in, and she eventually toppled back over onto her bedroll, untying her hair and yawning. The yawn turned into a stifled giggle halfway through as Markus held back a burp. "No, go right ahead," she laughed. "Just keep it down. We don't have any leftovers to share with orcs and goblins, after all."