[quote=@Ermine] Hello, your majesty. It is an honor to be graced with your presence. Welcome. Please enjoy our nation's finest RPs and cookies. I do hope you enjoy them. Too much? 'Sup? Suuu-uuu-uuup? Your signature makes me think of a saying I learned in my temple. "If you can't do something about your problems, you are unable to change them, and have no reason to worry. If you can do something about your problems, you have the ability to change them, and you have no reason to worry about them." Or something like that. I'm bad with remembering stuff. Dunno. Dunno why I shared it either. What kind of RPs do you like? Answer as concisely or verbosely as you wish, or don't answer at all. Or answer questions that haven't even been asked yet? Dunno. Forgot where I was going with that, too. [/quote] haha Thanks! Nothing is Too much for me! And thanks. I have been told I am a very inspirational writer... I've made people cry (in a both good and bad way). And I love animal/Demon/furry RP's... I'm an oddball for sure lol. Oh, and I love to talk about my cats! (speaking of, I took this adorable pic of my cat Salem dis mornin'... [url]http://img08.deviantart.net/6098/i/2016/341/5/2/sink_kitty_by_moonfangmoonymoon-daqv4dh.jpg[/url] he's a goof)