Callie took another slice, then nudged the open box back to Caius, who seemed to have been quite hungry-she wondered if that was the transformation, or the fighting. [color=fff200]"Well, there is some things I can do, but I need to replunish some of my potions-well, all of them actually, and some charms...I'll have to collect what I need, tomorrow"[/color] She said, thoughtful as she finished off her slices, taking a sip of water. [color=fff200]"I'll have to harvest the herbs..."[/color] Which meant going to the forest, and searching for the specific ones she needed, that would take time. [color=fff200]"But that's for tomorrow"[/color] She grabbed a napkin, wiping her hands, She couldn't do much for today, without any supplies. [color=fff200]"You can have the rest"[/color][@Kyrisse]