Irthorne was surprised, everyone was arriving very quickly from seemingly nowhere. First his jimmies were rustled from Kol'Rakul and the severed head of the bandit that he brought with him, to the vitamin-D deficient alchemist arriving shortly after, then the ringmaster and his troops, the birdman, the Vaulter, the mysterious mercenary, and lastly the monk. There were a few more arrivals to be awaited, but that didn't really bother Irthorne the much. He stood on top of a stump and cleared his throat as he began to speak. [color=2e3192][b]"Ahem. Excuse me everyone! May I have your attention please?"[/b][/color] The voice of the gnome was raspy and creaky, but not creepily so. Heck, it sounded a lot like a cliche wizard if you really wanted to think of it like that. [color=2e3192][b]"Thanks again for coming to this mission! I understand most of you must be itching to explore what's actually in here, the Believers Crypt, and we will very shortly. Right now we're just waiting on a few more people to arrive here before we enter..."[/b][/color] The gnome took a small pause, to see if anyone who was coming arrived in the middle of his speech, but then he continued. [color=2e3192][b]"... however, we are at a slight problem with this. I have hired a larger amount of people than I thought, and that may cause issues if we all entered the crypt. Therefore I must ask for a few of you to stay outside of the crypt in case this place has a few... unwanted visitors going out for errands."[/b][/color] The gnome had to think there for a second, surely there would be willing volunteers to offer and stay outside the crypt. The alchemist was probably not interested in that idea though, as she hated the sunlight. He spoke once more before climbing off the log. [color=2e3192][b]"Until the remaining few arrive, you all are free to converse amongst yourselves. Adjourned!"[/b][/color] Now on the ground, the gnome waltzed over to Bartimus and began speaking to him. [color=2e3192]"Within time, my avian ally, we will get down to the business within this cave. Until then, I have a favor to ask of you, if you wouldn't mind it."[/color]