She felt as if all of the breath in her body had gone, just like a lit candle snuffed out by a strong gust of wind. All that she had feared and dreaded was replaced with a grain of hope as Shay admitted his own feelings, as well as confessed that he had been selfish. Part of her felt relieved by that fact, she knew she wasn’t imagining things, or that she had acted crazy alone, it was both of their stubborn feelings together that had caused a rift due to miscommunication. “Where do you want to go?” She asked, rising out of her chair while glancing around the pub. When she stood up, some of those around them that had been watching with interest, turned their heads away, yet Sam’s eyes lingered on her, to which he gave a small nod of approval. “We could go back to my place… or yours. Or we could take a little walk?” She suggested, anxious to leave the Tawdry to be alone with Shay.