Character Name: Masrith Race: Ulitharid (subspecies of illithid) Gender: Male Age: 24 Appearance: Like other Ulitharids, he sands 6ft 7in tall. Has for tentacles on his back due to a mutation that formed during ceramorphisis. Another mutation gave him three extra eyes. Has two slightly above his natural set of eyes as well as one that is in the center of the other four. [hider][/hider] Personality and Motivations: Masrith hates everything. He ca be viewed as a racist because he sees every other race as only viable as food or slaves. Though he doesn't like to show it, he actually likes company as he was exiled from his home due to being a mutant. Masrith has the same motivations as any other of his race, to become immortal. Class and Alignment: Evil psionic fist (it's a multiclass of psion and monk) History: His life started as a larvae. Burrowing into the head of a mindless slave and devouring the brain and head. After attaching to the body, it underwent a process known as ceramorphisis. This is when the body alters and mutates to meet the needs of the larvae, eventually turning them into an Illithid or the much more rare Ulitharid. His body however, mutated far more that what was normal. After developing several mutations, he was held as an outcast. At first, he was sentenced to death, but after nobles consulted with the Elder brain, it decided that his stature being an Ulitharid was highly significant. Instead of being executed, Masrith was exiled to the surface world. They did not make him leave with nothing however. He was given clothes, several scrolls of knowledge about the ilithid empire and surface world. Since his exile, Masrith has primarily traveled on the outskirts on many villages, as illithids are viewed as monstrous creatures to most. He wold occasionally read the scrolls and books given to him to develop his abilities. After awhile, he heard the cries of help being needed about a crypt. Given the desperation, he figured he would be accepted. Especially because of his knowledge of creatures that inhabit the under-dark. Equipment: A case of a wide variety of surgical equipment. A pack with several books about his race, species of the surface (includes anatomy and such, like these species have been experimented on). Also includes books based on psionic abilities. Note these books are written in a strange form of brail that is only used by the illithids. Standard Illithid armor [hider][/hider] Skills and Spells: While Ulitharids are physically powerful, their most feared aspect is their intelligence and mental prowess. Has psionic abilities. This includes telepathic communication with any species, mental domination (strong willed people can resist this, this includes slight suggestions to full on mentally dominating someone), can cast illusions, form mental barriers(about as durable as a wooden shield) read minds of others, can physically augment his body to become faster, stronger, and to heal himself and others (though he cant regrow limbs). As a photographic memory, and an extremely high learning capacity. His center eye allows him to see in the dark. Can use his tentacles to grab others (though they can't function in using weapons) Note that their mental abilities do not work on undead with broken minds. Ex:zombies and skeletons. Miscellaneous: [hider=Illithids] Illithids are not well known. They rarely ever visit the surface, only going up for slaves and food. They are known for their mental prowess. Nothing else is known about the Illithids.[/hider]