Buck could barely track the knife as it sailed past him. He winced as the mother stepped in to take the knife for the pastor. When he saw the lack of reaction from her children, the amount of control the Pastor sunk in. [quote][color=gray]Who the fuck did that? I didn’t see him do anythin’ fuckin’ crazy did you? SHIT![/color][/quote] Buck was already looking for an exit. The shrieking from behind him made it clear that the front door was no longer a viable option even before he took a quick glance behind him. The mother made clear that the followers would be harder to put down than normal, and none of them were packing enough to defend against the group. When the Assist. Director gave the order to get out, Buck had already drawn his revolver. He finally saw an exit. There was a side door that led to the church's graveyard. From there they would be closer to the street. [color=wheat]"I see a way out. Through the graveyard, right side." [/color] He relied on his radio to relay the information as he edged his way over to the door, ready to shoot any parishioner that got too close.