[hider=Imogen Trondeau] Name:Imogen Yvonne Georgina Trondeau (Nee-Thomas) Age:28 Sex:Female Nationality:French Appearance: Height: 5'6 Weight: 124 Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Brown Slender and lean, Imogen carries herself with great poise and grace. She is stylishly dressed and blends well in high society crowds. Her hair is always neatly pinned up or styled to fit whatever occasion she may be attending. Imogen wears very little in the way of makeup off stage, preferring a fresh and natural look though she isn't above highlighting her large blue eyes when dressing up. Her nails are always done with a basic french manicure and her perfume a delicate floral scent. Imogen carries a french accent and has the tendency to slip into using french words when flustered. Outward Personality: Imogen is a dancer and singer, at one point a star in the Paris theatre scene. She carries a reputation, both her own and her husband’s that allows her access to people and places others could not easily get to. She also became very interested in anthropology, mythology and occult through her husband. Imogen would describe herself as refined, polite and controlled in all things. She remembers everything a skill she carried over from her theatre days. She is social when she needs to be, quick to smile and engage in the conversation. A performer through and through. Inner Personality: The smile and confidence of a performer that hides a woman scared of the dark streets. The attack left her frightened of leaving the house for a while though she has overcome that. Imogen is dedicated to the work because it is her last connection to Matthieu. Backstory: Born to just outside Paris. Imogen was an only child. At a young age she was enrolled in ballet and singing lessons. She was brought into the Paris ballet and soon ‘discovered’ by a theatre company owner. She became a performer and star in the Paris theater scene. She was able to meet a lot of influential people and learned many secrets from men courting her favour. When she was 22 she traveled to Canada with the theatre group and there she met Matthieu Trondeau. A scholar and professor he taught anthropology and mythology at the University of Montreal. He was eight years her senior. The pair married in secret just two months after meeting. Her father died that same year and her mother a year later. Matthieu moved to France to be with her and allow her to continue her performing. He got a job working in a museum. All of her free time was spent with Matthieu enjoying life in Paris, making friends with the well to do and military elite who enjoyed the theater or researching with him. Four years ago she and Matthieu were out for an evening of Opera and drinks when, walking down a back alley they were accosted by three men. Matthieu, protective of his wife took a beating from the men. Imogen was dragged into an alley and assaulted. Matthieu died of his injuries. Other: Marital Status: Widowed Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Handed: Left Basic Likes: Red wine Quiet restaurants Books Basic Dislikes: Feeling weak or out of control [/hider]