[center][color=7bcdc8][h1][b]Carver Fewkes[/b][/h1][/color] [@Caits][/center] [color=7bcdc8][i]'More Slayers and more Exceeds? This guild is amazing, I wonder how many Exceeds they have. I wonder if I can make a pact with a group of exceeds? What would I look like as an Exceed?'[/I][/color], These thoughts went through Carvers mind as he eaves drop a bit on the conversations around him. They were all nice and interesting people. Carver was glad he had asked to join this guild he couldn't think of a better one to join that would fit him any better than Phoenix Wing. Carver noticing Amelia's movements of that shy girl. He was rather amused as he pieces two and two together of the situation that is going on. While most of his mind was trying to calm himself before he bursts out with excitement that he was in a guild now. He still needed to go to the hotel and receive the mark but is very excited. Carver says to Jarvis with a lot of excitement in his voice, [color=7bcdc8]"Lead the way sir and I'll follow. I can't wait to meet even more guild members!"[/color]