[hider=Bill Williams] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/hifGrjL.jpg?1[/img] [color=4e6dbb][h1]Bill Williams[/h1] [h2]N/A[/h2][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=4e6dbb][h2][u]B A S I C P R O F I L E[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [center][img] https://static1.squarespace.com/static/522a2049e4b0a0ce717e990c/56ccdc552fe13126751a6069/56ccdc562eeb81eae73d8a62/1456266335060/usa.gif[/img][/center] [color=4e6dbb]● [u] N A M E [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Bill Franklin Williams Jr. [/indent] [color=4e6dbb]● [u] A G E [/u] ●[/color] [indent]54 [/indent] [color=4e6dbb]● [u] G E N D E R [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=4e6dbb]● [u] O C C U P A T I O N [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Handyman[/indent] [color=4e6dbb]● [u] L O O K S [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Bill is a big guy, not particularly tall at 5’9” (though he insists he is 5’10”, and when he’s drunk he’ll claim to be 6’), but very stocky. He still lifts weights, but his eating habits and disregard for other forms of exercise (according to him, cardio is for soccer moms and Europeans) leaves him with a lot of fat to carry around. His hands are calloused from his job, and in the warmer months he usually has a farmer’s tan from working outside. He doesn’t care about keeping up a clean appearance, and his usual attire is worn out jeans and old classic rock t-shirts, and heavy boots. When going to or from a job he can be seen with equipment like his toolbelt or kneepads. He sometimes limps when he walks from old injuries. [/indent] [hr][hr] [center][color=4e6dbb][h2][u]P S Y C H E[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [color=4e6dbb]● [u] P E R S O N A L I T Y [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Bill is an uncomplicated man who lives his life loudly. He’s not one for subtlety, and doesn’t hesitate to say what’s on his mind. He’s outgoing and believes people are basically good, but has trouble understanding complex issues and is bad at reading emotions. He doesn’t think ahead much, his core values are being an honest man and being tough enough that he can handle his own problems. As such, he’s reluctant to let people know when he’s having trouble. Bill has strong opinions and is prone to complaining about what he sees is wrong with the world (and younger generations in particular), but he doesn’t mean to insult people by doing it, he’s just speaking off the cuff. He is fiercely loyal to his friends and his family, but over the years his ties to them have grown weaker.[/indent] [color=4e6dbb]● [u] R O M A N T I C I N T E R E S T S [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Bill usually approaches romance based on physical characteristics. So far this hasn’t resulted in lasting and stable relationships for him. While he’s willing to overlook appearance (and to be honest, he can’t afford to be too picky), most of his relationships falter because he doesn’t think about them deeply. So far, he hasn’t reached the critical step of actually examining his own actions and realizing what he needs to change to make a relationship work. Part of this is due to his anxiety about commitment, but as he grows older his attitude is slowly showing signs of changes. [/indent] [color=4e6dbb]● [u] O R I G I N S T O R Y [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Bill’s parents were High School sweethearts, and got married shortly after graduating. His family’s roots in Verona go back several generations, and they never really wanted to leave. His father managed to support the family from working at the junkyard, but just barely. Both Bill and his younger brother learned typical masculine hobbies like football and target shooting. Bill in particular loved sports and lettered in several during high school, but his favorites were football and wrestling. Despite Bill’s passion, the school never could achieve much at the statewide playoffs, and since ever since he’s alternated between blaming the coaches, his teammates, or his knees for the lack of success. Few college scouts visited Verona, and Bill was good but he wasn’t amazing, so he ended up heading to a nearby community college. At college Bill took random assortment of technical courses to free up time to focus on sports. Unfortunately, he still wasn’t good enough to get a scholarship at a Division I school, and he left without a degree. When he came home to Verona he helped out his father at the junkyard and slowly learned how to do general repair and construction work from odd jobs, eventually saving up enough to buy a set of tools and a cargo van to formally start a business. Ever since he’s run his business and generally lived a simple life, occasionally hanging out with his old friends from high school. Recent years have been tougher as his father has passed away and his mother entered a nursing home. [/indent] [hr][hr] [center][color=4e6dbb][h2][u]T H E M U N D A N E[/u][/h2][/color] [img] https://static1.squarespace.com/static/522a2049e4b0a0ce717e990c/t/55205451e4b0e4ad5003b7da/1428182108402/ [/img][/center] [color=4e6dbb]● [u] S U P E R P O W E R [/u] ●[/color] [indent]Unknown as of yet, let’s see what the GMs come up with [/indent] [color=4e6dbb]● [u] P O W E R C L A S S I F I C A T I O N [/u] ●[/color] [indent]N/A[/indent] [color=4e6dbb]● [u] A B I L I T I E S [/u] ●[/color] [indent]N/A[/indent] [color=4e6dbb]● [u] W E A K N E S S E S [/u] ●[/color] [indent]N/A[/indent] [/hider]