[center][h1][color=ed1c24]Xerath[/color][/h1][/center] Xerath let out a smile as Kitala made her way over, [color=ed1c24]"I hope your having fun and not causing any trouble for anyone, Delsin wouldn't tolerate it especially today"[/color] Xerath said as he waved to more townsfolk. "[color=ed1c24]"I called you over here because I couldn't help but laugh when I saw you devour that donut in one bite"[/color] Xerath said chuckling. Xerath looked up into the bright blue sky and let out a deep breath, this could have been day well spent training, training to prepare for when he avengs his fallen people. Xerath turned to Kitala, [color=ed1c24]"I know golem's hand can be strict but we never lose sight of what is important, though we value power what makes us different is what we use that power for, and we do it to protect the people."[/color] Xerath says rubbing her head, though a lot of guildies were intimidated by Kitala, he wasn't though. [@Shadeflare123]