[@Firecracker_] Mmhm, lacking a settlement recon element you are quite right in you reasoning. I don't see him being able to quite hone the skills I would like being a guardsmen, but I am slightly concerned that my idea seems appealing to others and I wouldn't want to have duplicate characters. How many outsiders will you be allowing? I'd like to stake my claim for an Outsider with a hunting pet, most likely a dog. So everyone is clear I plan on, and hopefully it will be accepted, to create a stealth element character centered around survival, recon, and marksmanship. Likely using a sniper rifle, and some other alternative weapons, leaning towards, such as hunting knives, or the like. The character I have in mind will be adept in moving in the shadows, blending with the landscape, and all that good sneaky stuff. If it's not too overpowered I may try for some sort of repelling gear as well, that's up to you sir Firecracker_ I only say all of this for the sake of diversity. Edit: Backstory idea, let me know what you think, as an Outsider perhaps my character was in a master - apprentice situation, having somebody else there to help teach him all of these skills and hone them into, for lack of a better words, perfection. A nomadic duo, who wandered about and lived off the land. Distrust for settlements and their people will likely be ingrained into my character somewhat, though friendly enough. Perhaps after his master's passing he's looking to fill a sense of longing and decided to give the settled life a try. However the only real question I have is, would the settlement employ an outsider who's only real use is out in the field in any sort of way? Or would I have to give him a more mundane job, like guarding the wall. If the latter case is true, is there the possibility that he could sneak in and out of the settlement, or perhaps utilize a settlement firing range? I'm sure guards have to practice. How would (The council?) feel about him bringing in his own weapons, do they allow citizens to carry firearms or would he be permissible since he may work as a guard?