[center][b][color=orange][h2]Rinn the metal rooster[/h2][/color][/b] & Avey [/center] [hr]([i] Phoenix Wing Hotel[/i])[hr] For a metallic low depth object, Rinn was extremely flexible and agile. In the late throws of Avey's sleep, as he rolled and splay about contently on the hotel roof, Rinn seized the chance and slipped out of his grip. Knowing the boy would now soon awake, Rinn moved quickly. Folding himself over he quietly pried up a roof tile and slipped into the dusty roof space. Throughout his dull boring time confined to the roof he had been eagerly listening to and assessing the situation below. Walking along the beams and rafters with purpose and direction the metal rooster strutted to a particular spot. A metal pipe. Giving it a short sharp peck it began to glow. A sparkling of light overtook the section he had pecked at and slowly it began to vibrate. Suddenly within the pipes metal sheen two round eyes emerged along with a crack that resembled a mouth. The new facial features were dull and of the same color as the pipe, only noticeable by the slight form they had taken in the structure. Wide eyed the piped looked around in amazement, it's gaze falling to the impatient waiting wind vane. [b][color=orange]"Yea yea, amazing your alive eh."[/color][/b] Rinn says sarcastically less than impressed. [b][color=orange]"Now open up!"[/color][/b] The confused pipe began to split its lip line to reply, but as it did a jet of water sprayed from the gap. [b][color=Orange]"Alrighty, business time. Thanks for this by the way. You shower pipes, you get all the perks, now it's Rinn'shu turn!"[/color][/b] He announces triumphantly to the pipe and himself as he steps into the jetting stream of water, further stretches open the pipes mouth and folds, twists and rolls himself up until he slips down into the water way. A short moment later the water leak stops as Rinn's magic wears off and the pipe returns to normal. The water pipes seemed extra noisy for a short period of time, and the water pressure a little inconsistent for the dwellers of the hotel. Eventually Rinn made it to the bath houses after much bumping, grumbling and excessive use of his magic. Finding an overlooking advantage point that suited his pervy nature, the metallic rooster perched himself up high as an ornament and did his very best to keep perfectly still as he waited and watched.