Amarilla paused in the near-constant readjusting of her cloak's hood as she noticed a series of more figures making their appearances to the area, each increasing the group's size one by one with their entrances. The first to arrive with a ruckus was the gnome ringmaster, immediately capturing Amarilla's attention with his entourage of crafted companions. With an excited and enthralled "Oooh!" Amarilla had almost immediately begun dashing wide circles around the series of constructs to get a better view of each one while she listened to the ringmaster's introduction. "These are so amazing, how do they work? Are they magic? I bet they can all do all sorts of neat tricks and things, can't they?" Next to take her was the feathered being, the owl man making his presence known to the group next. Amarilla's grin continued as she listened to the words of the avian newcomer and the Axeman's following greeting. "Bird people? Kenku? I think I read about them once, maybe? I never thought I'd meet a bird person before! Hello bird person, it's nice to meet you!" She waved her hands once more in greeting at the two new additions and, not long after, found herself doing so yet again at the arrival of the two next individuals to appear. The first, introducing himself as Andrik Nordin, reminded Amarilla of a detail she had forgotten to include in her excitement. "Ohh, I didn't introduce myself at all, did I?! Oops! My name's Amarilla! It's nice to meet you all, hello everyone! I'm excited to work alongside you all!" The final arrival Amarilla assumed to be a martial artist of some sort once she noticed the clawed weapons that the woman carried. Amarilla repeated an abridged form of her overly excited introduction, "Hello, I'm Amarilla, hi, hello!" She barely finished the sentence before she had moved on to her next thought,stepping forward and admiring the claws aside from the sunlight glinting off of them which she briefly shielded her eyes from, not letting it deter her enthusiasm. She stepped back again when she heard Irthorne speak up, listening to the new details he was disclosing to the gathered group. Amarilla took no interest herself in the thought of staying on the surface in this blaring sunlight, but she was curious in who might offer to stay and who would be descending into the depths, as well as who the remaining few who had yet to arrive might be. She began more excited fidgeting with her cloak while walking around the various people who had already gathered as she waited to see the final results.