Masrith was making his way to the crypt. He was accompanied by three town gaurds. Masrith looked at the cuffs around his wrists. "Was this really nessecary?" His dark voice echoed in their heads. One guard turned to make eye contact. "You are a race known for enslaving amd eating other races. You haven't committed any crime, bit it's the only way to stop people from wanting to kill you on sight." Masrith squinted his five eyes. "So be it." He continued walking, observing the scenery. "I've never been in the town before. What normally takes place?" The same guard began to speak up. "Well, since of late, the crypt has gone and gotten people stirred up. What with the undead an all." Masrith eyed the guard. "Makes sense. The scrolls say tall dwarfs range from brave to very cowardly individuals. Does this depend on age or perhaps the diet one partakes in? I have come to understand tall dwarfs have an adaptaptable digestive system." The guard looked confused. "You talk like we are some kind of animal to be studied." Masrith did not change his facial expression, not that it was easy to read anyway. "We treat every race like that. I apologize if it was offensive." The guard released his pent up posture. "It's fine. Not much is known about you people either." The guard infront stopped the group. "We're here. Stay here, I'll talk to the wizard." The guard soon approached Irthorne. "Pardon for any interruptions, but we have a umm...thing." the guard was hesitant for a moment. "We Illithid has answered your call sir. He..he is over there." The guard said pointing to Masrith. The same guard that conversed with Masrith earlier was taking off the restraints that bounded Masriths' wrists. The lead guard turned to Irthorne. "Would you like for us to take him back or let him join you...sir?"