Having grown up in an English manor, Charlie had tasted plenty of varieties of teas, but nothing beat what Jervis served. Charlie also didn't take Jervis' statement of him being too young to drink as condescending or patronizing; as someone who had served as a butler himself, Charlie respected Jervis, in fact, Jervis was probably the only person in this room that Charlie didn't disrespect. There was also the possibility that Jervis was, unlike everyone else here, not the spirit of a dead human. If Jervis turned out to be some higher power, or the agent of some higher power, whether celestial or infernal, well, Charlie would rather be on his good side. [color=7bcdc8]"Thank you, Jervis,"[/color] Charlie said, never taking his eyes off the television in front of him as the silent horror film continued to play. Charlie took a sip, the taste reminding him of life, bitter. He felt a warm feeling under his eyes, but he fought it back; he didn't like to show weakness in front of the others. Thud! Thud! Charlie turned around and gave Raissa a side-eye, but decided to hold his tongue; while distracting, the movie he was watching was silent, so it wasn't like he needed to hear any dialogue or sound effects. But when he saw Jonathan approach Raissa and begin flirting with her, he was reminded of the thing he had caught his foster sister doing the night he was... [color=7bcdc8]"Grown ups,"[/color] Charlie muttered loud enough to be heard, [color=7bcdc8]"Disgusting."[/color] He turned his attention to the larger monitor. He didn't really care to work, and as long as he was in this room and was able to contribute to their collective success, he would be compensated in some manner. He figured he'd let the others do the heavy lifting while he scraped the bottom of the barrel, a tactic that his short life had taught him well. He turned back to the small television and tried to zone out the others.