[center][h3][color=335566]Анна[/color][/h3] She had emerged from under the table once more. Casually perched atop a seat glancing impaitently around the room. Wondering where the wolf went due to its wounds she was quite scared for it. If it had gotten into a fight with something. She couldn't lose another friend again.. "Hey, can I get you anything?" [@Dark Light] The man, now clothed fully thankfully, had returned from the staircase. Barely registering what he had said she proclaims something in russian. Muffled naturally as her voice was faint. Then again. Repeating it until her English clicked once more. She spoke up, " No thank you?" The question was more towards herself. She had almost forgotten why she was here in the first place. Running from something big. Probably a bear. She hated bears. Her face would scrunch up as she stared intently at the man. More or less going over all the bad things bears have done to her. Figuring out where he had come from without her notice. Usual things. [/center]