[center][h3][color=lightskyblue]Kyuuten Rallis[/color][/h3] [@LostDestiny][/center] Kyuuten had collected a rather impressive stash of snacks soon after arriving at the food vendors section. Pyrrha, still clutching the small teddy bear in her arms wasn't really interested in most of is but she did find a yearning for shaved ice. [color=deepskyblue]"Alright, two shaved ices coming up~"[/color] Leaving Pyrrha to look after his haul, Kyuuten headed off to get in line. As he waited a ball bounced next to him followed by a few kids. "Kyu~" The kids bounded over over to the snowy haired teen. [color=lightskyblue]"Hey, you guys, enjoying the festival?"[/color] The closest nodded cheerily as Kyuuten ruffled his hair. Picking up the ball Kyuuten and handed it too the kids. "Wanna play with us?" Kyuuten pretended to think it over before clapping his hands decidedly. [color=lightskyblue]"Sure, but just a little. I've got someone waiting on me. Remember to throw real high~"[/color] They nodded and did as he said as he let one of the kids sit on his shoulders. With the ball high in the air Kyuuten told the kid to hold on tight. He activated Meteor, one of his Heavenly Body spells, and flew up quickly letting the kid on his shoulders catch the ball. Despite the feud the residents of Luna weren't swept up in choosing sides. Naturally, people may have liked one more than the other but it wasn't anything malicious. After playing with the kids and purchasing the shaved ice he'd promised Pyrrha, Kyuuten returned to find the Celestial spirit standing with one of their fellow guildmates. [color=8dc73f]"Hey there Ky!"[/color] Artial, Harpy's Wing resident drinker greeted him with slightly slurred speech. [color=8dc73f]"Fancy meeting you here."[/color] Kyuuten smiled. [color=lightskyblue]"I wouldn't miss this even if Golem tried to ban us. Sounds like your already having fun hehe~"[/color] He chuckled referring to her slurs as he handed Pyrrha her shaved ice. [color=fuchsia]"Yeah, don't you think it's a little early for that?"[/color] Kyuuten made a cheers motion with his shaved ice tapping it against Pyrrha's causing her to nearly drop hers. [color=lightskyblue]"Forget it, if that's how she has a good time it's fine."[/color] Unable to really argue, Pyrrha simply decided to enjoy her frozen treat.