[center][IMG]http://i63.tinypic.com/2v1rukp.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/35k1mqu.png[/IMG] [color=gray][sub]Collab with Dervish[/sub][/color][/center] [color=teal]"It's, ah... fine. I'd offer a hand to help you up, but I'm pretty sure that would go about as well if you tried to do the same for a Goron. No offense."[/color] Lev said with a facsimile of a shrug. [color=teal]"Not to say you're large or anything. You Hylians kind of carry the crushing weight of looming mortality with you, and I'm just not that strong. I can pretend, if that helps."[/color] Her face went visibly white, instantly wondering what crossing a Poe might result in for her. Instead, however, he simply told her it was fine and prattled on about why he couldn't help her up. It was as if she'd bumped into... well... anyone on the street, really. Minus the inability to help her up, apparently. Something she found comforting-- in that he'd thought to help her up at all. "[color=6a9375]N-no, that won't be necessary,[/color]" her voice faltered as she got up. She mindlessly dusted off the back of her thighs and fell back into her age-old habit of trying to eliminate that pesky scratch on her shoulder. She took a deep breath and pursed her lips. Oh, no. Her thoughts raced during the millisecond her lungs were full and her eyes lingered on the glowing eyes of the Poe before her. Entranced. No... not entranced... intrigued? Confused? Scared? How long had she been holding her breath? Don't make things awkward. You've already crashed into him-- don't make it worse. Don't make him uncomfortable. Don't cause any trouble. Don't- "[color=6a9375]I'm Felicia,[/color]" she blurted, extending her hand. Somewhere inside the the cluttered recesses of her mind, a tea kettle screamed in disagreement. "[color=6a9375]Lev, right?[/color]" she attempted a cheery smile, but just looked tired, "[color=6a9375]It's, uh, nice to meet you.[/color]" Lev regarded the offered hand with surprise before hesitantly reaching out and taking it. Her hand had five fingers, was warm, and just felt wrong. This was his first real time having physical contact with the living in such a way in as long as he could remember. He could only imagine what Felicia felt when she looked at him; the only expression he could make was with over exaggerated gestures and shifting eyes, her face was a fireworks display in comparison, only much easier to set off than the barrel back in Kakariko Village with that damn dog. [color=teal]"Got it in one. And so cordial, it would warm my heart if I had one. Pardon my awkwardness; as you can imagine, conversations aren't something I come across on a daily basis. So, uh... what exactly made you decide to listen to voices in your head?"[/color] He asked, genuinely curious. He was undead, what did he have to lose by going into a spooky dungeon? Felicia on the other hand, didn't even look like she could figure out what side of a sword to grab onto. Cold. Her hand slightly recoiled in Lev's grasp, but she didn't want to be rude. She'd never shaken hands with a Poe before. Cordial? A nervous smile flickered on her lips. He was surprised [i]she[/i] was being cordial? " [color=6a9375]Well...,[/color]" Felicia found herself not wanting to answer Lev's question. But, of course, she did anyway, "[color=6a9375]I guess I just... don't have a whole lot holding me back? Let's just say that.[/color]" Her face became difficult to read as she averted her eyes, pensively feeling her flask through her pocket. A drink sounded pretty good right about now, but there were too many people... to much to focus on... or maybe just enough. Lev regarded Felicia for a moment before glancing at the other gathered figures and returning his attention to her. [color=teal]"Here's a cheerful thought. What if everyone here is a loser? Like, literally disposable. At least you wouldn't be alone! You gotta be better than, I don't know. That Skullkid?"[/color] he offered, feeling pleased at his ability to reassure in the face of adversity. In truth, the whole Temple gave him the creeps, and he was all too eager to distract himself from the crushing reality he was thrust in. Felicia offered a half-hearted smile out of politeness, but she found Lev's words anything but cheery. If anyone here was a disposable loser, it was probably her. She chuckled out loud, readjusting her hat. "[color=6a9375]Yeah,[/color]" she nodded, "[color=6a9375]Well, I don't know about that.[/color]" [color=teal]"Cheer up, dear Felicia. I'm here, I'm going to make you all famous."[/color] Lev said confidently, looking at Lethe, who finally deligated to join them along with some absolutely baffling contraption of metal and another Gerudo, only this one was old enough to drink. [color=teal]"Y'know, I've lived for a long time, and I have never been as confused and off put as I am right now."[/color]