Niernen whooped and laughed in delight when the Centurion was disabled successfully by the combined efforts of herself, Roze and a now-late Ashlander. "Way to go, Breton," the Dunmer woman said to Roze and gave her a thumbs up. The following series of severe malfunctions in the steamworks immediately stifled her mirth as debris began falling from the ceiling, randomly crushing people left and right. Her heart lept in her throat when Do'Karth disappeared from sight but he reappeared a few seconds later, unharmed, when the dust cleared a little. Relieved, Niernen decided to follow him and listened to the quiet exchange between him and Edith. The decision to attack Narivar seemed justified at this point. Anyone in this room who still followed the so-called High King of Morrowind deserved what was coming to them... even if he was Madura's brother. [i]"I curse the thrice-damned Godkiller and all his ancestors, n'wah, and you with him,"[/i] Niernen spat at at the spear-wielding elf in Dunmeris, channeling all her bitter wrath over the Nerevarine's betrayal at his vassal standing before her. From the corners of her eyes she could see Edith and Do'Karth circling around to attack Narivar from different sides. Thinking quickly, Niernen aimed to keep Narivar's attention and thus bolster her allies' chance of success. She conjured bright flames in her hands, digging deep within her magicka reserves to make them burn as hot as she could manage, and spread her arms in a taunting gesture as white-hot fire tinged with blue warped and flowed around her fingers. [i]"You will die here, alone, while your ancestors turn their backs on you, s'wit! You will forever roam these halls as a restless spirit, for the Godkiller is the Fifth Corner of the House of Troubles and eternal rest is too good for his witless servants!"[/i] She briefly considered actually firing a spell at Narivar but decided against it, remembering Do'Karth's near-incineration at her hands on the docks of Windhelm when the two of them fought the Kamal. She would leave this one for her allies to take down the old-fashioned way.