[color=BD892F][h3]Sophia Lemane[/h3][/color]Even when the strange gray-clad figure had strolled out of sight, her gaze still remained on the point where they had been seen last. She wondered if they were another student in this place, or if they were part of the staff. Or here for some other reason. Probably not part of the staff, though how would she know? It reminded her about how little she knew about how USARILN East, even though she was now enrolled in the school. She knew somewhat what was expected: obedience and immediate compliance. But when it came to who exactly the people themselves were who worked and lived here, she knew basically nothing. [color=BD892F][i]I'm probably going to be seeing a whole lot more people here than I'm used to.[/i][/color] The realization actually made her cringe inside, and her thoughts began to wander off as she thought about all the different kinds of people she might meet, and the different possible scenarios that she might find herself in. So when Brent began to talk to her she listened, but absentmindedly and not with her full attention until he mentioned the word "food". Hearing that important word, her eyes flicked over to him. It seemed ages since she had last eaten, so she was all for abandoning the gym idea (at least for now) and going off to find the dining hall instead. Realizing that she still had the sheet from the soldier still held in her hand, she began to fold it over and over, sharply creasing the edges perhaps with more force than she needed to. She couldn't help it, she was feeling nervous and her only current vent was the paper in her hand. The paper was no more than one and a half inches by the time she was done with it. It hadn't taken her more than ten, fifteen seconds to deal with the paper, so when she was done she replied. If you could even call it a reply. She could have talked about how hungry she was, voiced her curiosity about the stranger, or speculated about how her room might look like. But though these thoughts went through her mind, she didn't see the point of using any of those conversation starters. They were most likely going to go and eat soon, so there was no point in complaining about her hunger. Bringing up the stranger might make her look like she was nosy or a busybody, and it wouldn't get her any closer to knowing the real answer. As for wondering about how her room might look, she would be going there soon enough. So all she did was nod her head once and accompany that with a [color=BD892F]"Mhmm"[/color] that was supposed to show that she agreed to the idea of going to eat. She made no move to start walking yet, but if Brent were to start she would gladly follow. [hr] [@ERode]