[h1][color=8dc73f]Chance[/color][/h1] [h2]Pokemon Contest Line[/h2] [h3]-----------------------------[/h3] [@MechonRaptor] [@TalijaKey] [color=8882be]"Oh such a beautiful story! Bond such childhood to reach their dreams together. Quite beautiful indeed my friend."[/color] [color=8882be]"I hope our ways cross again when you evolve the little friend of yours. As I would love to see her in her full beauty."[/color] [color=8882be]"Alas, the time flies, I have a signup still to do."[/color] Chance would smile, laughing a bit to himself. [color=8dc73f]"Hehe~ yeah... thanks, see you around!"[/color] Chance would think for a moment... how would he even evolve Blitzy into a Delcatty... huh- he rememebered learning about stones before, didn't they evolve from moonstones? A moonstone... where was he going to get one of those? Hmmm... either way he decided to make it his duty to find one. [color=7bcdc8]"Oh, uh, well you know-"[/color] Oh- he almost forgot that he had been trying to talk to the trainer next to him, after the other trainer left to sign up he turned his attention back over to them. [color=8dc73f]"Hm... uh- sorry about that, so many people here today... sooo- what's your name?"[/color] Chance would try to restart the conversation... it was still a bit awkward, but it could work- maybe he could make a new friend today? Maybe go on a journey or something... either way its always good to have an ally.