He couldn't help but laugh a bit, enjoying the fact they could relax even out here in the wilderness. It was heartwarming to say the least, and as Valerie fell into a slumber, Markus decided to stay up for a bit and enjoy the fire. He doubted anything would try to infiltrate their small makeshift shelter, but he wanted to be sure of it. He wasn't about to have this woman accompany him and then not watch her back. He reached into his pack, and pulled out a fair sized bit of cloth he'd been keeping. It was always good to have some clean material for various uses, such as bandages or to clean food or wounds. Without thinking, he whipped it to let it sprawl out, and then slipped it onto Valerie as she slept. The wilderness was cold, particularly at night, and she needed to be fully rested by morning. She needed it more than him. He was used to harsh temperatures, the fire providing more than enough warmth for the young man to keep sudden illness at bay. Markus gave a small smile, inwardly. Even though his logic was sound, apart of him realized it was simply him justifying doing something to help her sleep. It was not long before he felt his own body growing heavier though, and he knew that it was time to sleep himself. There was only a few hours left before the sun would peek over the horizon, and it wouldn't do for him to need rest in the late morning. As he sat, he contemplated many things, and realized they were probably heading into something far more risky and dangerous than anything he'd yet faced. The sudden realization fell upon him like a cold winter rain, and he looked to his slumbering companion. Without even realizing the source of the conviction in his mind and body, he promised himself that whatever happened out there, he'd make sure she made it out. Even past his endearment toward her, he felt as if he let her down, he'd let his younger self down too. To be out here right now, instead of back where he'd been born. To choose this life. He knew it was the right decision, but dammit, it had been a selfish one. He wanted, no, needed to prove to himself that he could help someone who had just started out as he had, that his and her choice were not to be regretted. [i]Don't fret on what's coming, just get some rest[/i]. With a light grunt, he lay back on his cloak and curled up by the fire. His vision blurred, and darkness took him as his body gave way to a deep sleep. [hr] He awoke, though he didn't move. He'd gotten used to waking without a sound now, and he simply opened his eyes slowly to take in whatever he could. There was eerie quiet around him, and he realized that everything was fine. The fire had died down to embers, and the sun had risen about two hours previous. He could see the shining light filtering through the brambles and sticks that encompassed their camp. [i]Good, that means there's a small bit of warmth outside[/i], he thought to himself when he saw the sun. Unfortunately, that means that once the fire had died and the sun's rays had not yet entered here, it was particularly cold in their small hut. He would have felt it a bit more than Valerie, only having his linen shirt, trousers, and cloak. The Swordmage stood up, unsteady at first but regaining control over his body. He shuddered at the cold, and took a small bit of ham out of the pot. Half of the small bit that was left, anyway. As he chewed, he strapped on his armor once more. Chainmail, tabard, belting his sword and running his hands through his thick hair as he waited for her to awaken and get ready. He would have made another fire, but he'd rather no smoke give away their position. [@Luminosity]