[center]Location - Beryllium City, Pokemon Lab[/center] Aiden smiled at the joy on the Riolu's face as she took his little treat and sampled it quickly. It was always heartwarming to see another enjoy the labors of one's work. Still yet the uproar of the Riolu gave way his hidden position. Glancing up Aiden looked at Roxy from his kneeling position, slowly putting the tin of treats away. [color=lightblue]"I'm sorry but I did. I thought your little friend would like a snack and I had just made a new batch of Poke-puffs before coming here. I do hope that doesn't bother you."[/color] With his words done he stood up as Zorex happily bounced around Aiden before running up to Lucina, calling to her and pawing at the air with his large mouth made into a wide smile. Clearly though that was not enough and Zorex started to bounce around Lucina wanting to play. For Aiden he spoke up again to say, [color=lightblue]"I just say how cute your little Riolu looked in that scarf and figure, why we're waiting why not enjoy some good snacks!"[/color] With that he saw the Professor return with a large amount of Pokedexs, taking his in hand he said, [color=lightblue]"Thank you Ma'am. I'll make sure to put this to good use."[/color] With a slight head bow of thanks he returned his attention to Roxy. Pocketing his Pokedex he offered his hand to shake, [color=lightblue]"Name's Aiden."[/color] Whether she took his hand or not he had a follow up question, [color=lightblue]"I know it may be a bit of an odd introduction, but would you care for a battle? I've never fought a Riolu before and it seems Zorex is itching to play! And besides no better way to make a new friend than a good match!"[/color]