As more and more joined the group so did the Shadow get more and more curious. It traversed from one person's Shadow to the next getting a feel of their physical attributes. It was particularly curious about the mechanical contraptions. It was true that they had witnessed creations like those before but as much as people differed from each other so did the mind of inventors and in return so did the creations themselves. It was like seeing a new species everytime, no one built the same thing for the most part. Well, it was time, Lorick thought to himself as he closed the clock and pocketed it. He got up, wiped away some dirt from his clothes and made for the others. A quite peculiar group indeed. He didn't need any introduction though as the Shadow was there to witness them all and what the Shadow knows he knows. Cane in hand he approached the band. "Apologies for my tardiness. My name is Lorick Lockwell and I'm looking forward to working with you all."- he introduced himself while taking a courteous bow. The Shadow seeing this, exaggerated the action in an attempt to mock him. Well, hope no one noticed that.