Masrith rolled his wrists as the restraints were removed. He turned to see the group of people gather as well as Irthorne verbally tear into a guard. Masrith was somewhat surprised. Noone ever defended an Illithid. Masrith watched as the guards walked off. Masrith turned to face Irthorne and looked down at him. "I have nothing against them." The voice would ring in Irthornes head. "I apologize if this form of communication disturbs you. It is how Illithids communicate. We have no need for verbal speech." Masrith examined the group. "There are things the books do not say about them that I will need to note." His gaze turned back toward Irthorne. "My name is Masrith. I am what is known as an Illithid. Well, more specifically, an Ulitharid. I am physically powerful, but am mostly known for a powerful mind. If you seek a strategist or an individual who could help analyze predicaments or documents then I can certainly be of use. I can also link minds using my psionic abilities to allow groups to communicate." Masrith kneeled down and stuck out his hand. His body movements were somewhat awkward. "I'm have to inform you. I do not represent any form of authority from the Illithid empire. I was exiled at birth form my mutations registered me as an abomination. I hope you still view me as a reliable assest to the group."