[@1Hawkeyes][@Vampy] "Yeah, it is a really nice day today," Cecilia said in agreement, making sure to temporarily hold the lollipop in her hand while talking. "I haven't ever swum in a lake before, nothing that doesn't usually have a tarp or cover over it. I can't even imagine how [i]cold[/i] it's going to be." She did truly enjoy swimming; it was just the likely scenario of her apprehensively perched by the water's edge, too scared to jump in, that she didn't look forward to. [@SoulEater] Between Helena, Valencia, and the fascinating landscape that she endeavored to take in in the meantime, Cecilia wasn't able to notice Edmond behind her. He may potentially see her turn her head in wordless wonder at certain features of the forest, though such instances were less than common, as she was trying to pay attention to her friends.