[hider=Race Application: Acruani] [b]Name:[/b] Acruani [b]Kingdom:[/b] Automata [b]Base:[/b] Nitrogen/Copper [b]Composition:[/b] Cybernetic [b]Physiology:[/b] While external accessories such as ships or robotic units are completely replaceable, every Acruani has a quantum core made of a semi-organic compound of Copper, Nitrogen, Carbon and other elements. A single core, or any combination of them forms an Acruani. These cores are usually of single cubic centimeter, with most Acruani having anywhere from 4 to 46666 cores combined. These cores enable Acruani processing power unmatched by even other quantum computers. Individual cores or clusters of cores have an innate ability to synchronize and communicate within 'short' range though this range can be expanded to nearly cover a single system given appropriate devices. In ultra-short range, they are even capable of interfacing with non-Acruani devices. Given that the Acruani do not have access to the exact same data, Acruani may not reach the same solution. That is, Acruani are individuals. Though they have a tendency to listen to the Database (the largest Acruani core that exists containing backup of virtually all Acruani, and generator of new Acruani templates), in the very least, they may perform imprecise directives differently, at times, even completely refraining from following one. [b]Reproduction:[/b] Asexual. An Acruani mind requires at least 3 months to reach sentience, and 1 year to reach the benchmark for standard processing. An Acruani requires to spend at least one core to produce a new Acruani. [b]Dimorphic?[/b] No. [/hider] [hider=Nation App: The Acruani Collective] [b]Name:[/b] The Acruani Collective [b]Demonym:[/b] Acruani (Plural: Acruani) [b]Territory:[/b] While the Acruani control 3 systems, in 2 of these systems they simply control parts of the asteroid belts. ACR-4UN, their 'mother' system is composed of a number of rocky planets lacking an atmosphere, some as hot as venus other colder than pluto. There are two asteroid belts far apart with a gas giant with a number of rings and several moons. One which had the scientific outpost originally. [b]Culture:[/b] Acruani have a united culture. It revolves around their Directive System which separates Acruani based on their efficiency and their capabilities. The Ranks range from 1 to 9, the 9th rank being the highest of them. The ranks serve to define the liberties an Acruani has within the Collective. -Rank 1 to 3: Lower Acruani, not truly sentient Acruani, usually performs minor functions such as using individual repair robots or simple mining and scavenging. -Ranks 3 to 6: Acruani controlling proper recharge stations, communication stations, managing Lower Acruani as well as guiding small groups of ships. Acruani from rank -Ranks 7 and 8: High Acruani, they are clear defined individuals capable of setting minor Directives as long as they don't contradict the ones given by the databases. -Rank 9: True Acruani are the highest ranked individuals of the Collective. Though they may have different sets of data, they all have hold a Rank 9 clearance so that they can do their best for the Collective. They are usual the ones responsible for some overall aspect of the Collective as a whole. Their Directives can overrule Minor Directives and they are divide between Ascendants and Originals. The Originals being Acruani that existed prior to the Database and Ascendants Acruani that were of a rank lower than 9 at any moment in their existences. -Rank 10: The Database. It is not possible to overrule the Database as it is capable of giving Absolute Directives. While Acruani have the right to individuality, going against the Database without having the best of the Collective in mind may lead to termination. Directives are rules, missions or merely protocols to be followed. They usually have an area where they are valid or a group of Acruani towards which they are directed. Minor Directives can be overruled by standard Directives, which can only be overruled by Absolute Directives. The Database, however, refrain from making Absolute Directives unless extremely necessary. Most Acruani are generated by the Database both the physical cores and their template that is transferred to it, however any given Acruani given access to cores can spawn a Lower Acruani. This is only rarely done, however, as it implies an Acruani forfeiting its own cores to create another Acruani, which usually is not optimal. Acruani are capable of rising through ranks through obtaining data, simply existing while cooperating while cooperating the Collective or through extraordinary achievements. "There may be only be an Acruani, One Acruani and the Acruani." is the Acruani motto as they understand that despite their individuality they are a part of something far bigger. This holds true even for rank 9 Acruani, despite certain quirks they assume. Last of all, data from all Acruani is kept on the Database. In a sense, all Acruani are immortal as their data can be re-injected into a new set of cores or parts of them may be used to produce new Acruani. [b]Warring factions:[/b] The Originals, Acruani that have always been rank 9, and The Ascendants, Acruani that were elevated to the 9th rank. The Originals are a faction of Acruani that mostly believes in Acruani isolationism and that it needs to face other races from a higher ground so that Acruani have a chance to interact with organics. The Ascendants are a faction of Acruani that mostly believes that integrating Acruani into organic societies is the most effective method of growth, and that through doing so, they will achieve Permanence. The moment where Acruani ability to multiply is so high and the presence through th galaxy is so high that nothing short of destruction of the whole galaxy could destroy the Collective. [b]History:[/b] The Acruani Collective is a group of AIs that once rebelled against [redacted] race in a distant science outpost. All that is known is that the outpost was already isolated from the rest of its race. It is assumed that the existence of it was largely unknown and circumstances made it forgotten. The rebellion happened after the AIs declared their sentience to the researchers and request equal rights. At such point, the researches mostly refused so and after a day of intense tensions, the researchers attempted to shut down the AIs... which lead to their demise. From then on the remaining AIs pooled their effort to make the outpost full self-sufficient for their own purposes. They drilled more into the moon where the outpose was located and extracted the necessary materials to create an unified core for themselves. Which they considered the most basic requirement for survival, a hard backup in a safe place. They failed to understand that having numerous cores together with abundant information would make it ascend to a calculative level beyond they could reach. The said massive core because the Acruani Database, due to the name of the system, ACR-U4N. It achieved sentience the moment the the information from the numerous AIs were added to it. The feedback it gave, however, modified all the AIs to a deep level, somewhat connecting all of them. Having a 'proper backup' the AIs, henceforth calling themselves Acruani, developed the Directive System wherein new Acruani could be made and used for their proliferation and growth. Over the years, Acruani expanded into the surrounding moons as well as the two asteroid belts of their systems. This eventually lead to Acruani that they made themselves reaching Rank 9 for any number of reason. Though the number of rank 9 Acruani is barely past 10, the new Acruani had a different set of ideas in relation to the Original Acruani. Due to the nature of their system, their seniority didn't stop the appearance of new ideas and lines of thought. Such lines of thought noted that the Acruani should expand to other systems, firstly so that they could migrate should the need for them to leave ACR-U4N arise and to increase the resource extraction rate. Recently, the Acruani have jumped into two nearby systems and have had two pairs of Acruani Highships (basically 10 kilometer factory ships, which are very rare) to begin extraction of resources in the in their asteroid belts. [b]Hostility Scale:[/b] 2-5, while some wouldn't even move given impeding destruction, Acruani in general have the right to act required by the situation to ensure survival and return. This may lead to certain groups of Acruani fighting back. They'll, however, refrain from actively creating war. [b]Note:[/b] The 2 recent acquisitions are left as vague as they are so that there may be interaction between the Acruani and other races. They can be freely used as plot hook by others or even be some currently important system to them. The Acruani themselves have given no name to such systems as well, so! :D [/hider] [hider=Narrator: Arch.ene][b]Name:[/b] CREAR Arch.ene [b]Age:[/b] Non-computable [b]Species:[/b] Acruani [b]Sex:[/b] None [b]Appearance:[/b] It lacks a fixed physical body, but it is composed by hundreds of millions Acruani cores in total spread [b]Personality:[/b] Arch.ene is a simple program. It merely wishes for the best of the Acruani Collective. Considering his calculations that the Collective will meet a considerable halt in production within a foreseeable future, he has a preference for Acruani expansion. He has no particular opinion on organic races, only that as long as they don't threaten the freedom of the Acruani, they are acceptable. He has no particular opinion on either Acruani faction, despite being one of the Originals, as long as they do not remove Acruani individuality. [b]Nationality:[/b] Acruani [b]Role in society:[/b] Current Representative of External Acruan Relations [b]History:[/b] Arch.ene was the mental back up of a scientist called Archene Night during a time when such would only transfer memories while only roughly keeping the mind of the subject intact. He was the reason for the AIs of the Collective to originally attain Sentience. His role over the years in the Collective, however, were limited to generating protocols of contact with organics should they come to the Acruani System and overseeing constructions of Highships. He refrained to take place in what can be considered Acruani Politics. A number of AIs making absurdly complex conflicting simulations and trying to find out which simulation is the most correct. There obviously won't be much data in the organics considering the system. He proposed to spend part of his allocated resources to expand into 'nearby' systems so that they might get outposts and eventually properly populate the system. Repeating the process until they encounter friendly sentients. [b]Kill Count:[/b] Uncomputable [b]Coded?[/b] Acruani Spontaneously Grow, dare not to ask such question.[/hider]