[center][color=FF2400][h1]Kitala Lusamina[/h1][/color] Location: Festival Interacting with: [@pkken] / Xareth ; [@Cardamonelaw] / Jansen ; [@TheHangedMan] / Phoebe[/center] [hr] [color=ed1c24]"Wow I don't think I have ever seen you blush before, it's a nice look on you though, you look cute."[/color] Now [i]that[/i] was something. 'Cute' was probably the last thing Kitala would describe herself as; the fact that he was teasing her made her pout a bit, probably not helping the "cute" front all that much. [color=FF2400]"I would, um...care to disagree with that...statement..."[/color] Not two seconds later, Kitala felt someone bump into her, knocking her donut out of her hand and onto the ground. Kitala just stared for a moment, her jaw agape, before turning around to look at the [i]filthy, vile creature[/i] that had deprived her of the sole object of her affections. "Ah . . ." Kitala was met with a tiny, cloaked figure who must have been seven inches shorter than her. But that didn't matter. [color=ed1c24]"K-Kitala, ...now I know your mad but don't do anything harsh..."[/color] But heaven and earth be damned, she [i]paid[/i] for that. With a tense jaw, Kitala spoke. [color=FF2400]"Is that...all you have to say?"[/color] Tightening her hands into fists, Kitala's eyes seemed to darken a bit. Today was a day of peace, but not when someone messes with her [i]damn donuts.[/i] And not only was her donut prey to this damned fool, they also managed to drop their own donut. If Kitala needed to loosen up, she was miserably failing. [color=FF2400]"I swear to the Celestial King himself, I am going to [i]knock your teeth out[/i] if it's the last thing I do, you damned [i]demon[/i]-"[/color] [color=lightblue]"There you go. But you should be more careful, Miss."[/color] Kitala's gaze slowly shifted to the stranger who just spoke, holding a somehow perfectly clean donut in his hand and offering it to her. She suddenly felt very unsure of herself. Looking him up and down, Kitala narrowed her eyes a bit; wasn't he part of Harpy's Wing? She could have sworn that she'd seen him somewhere. [color=FF2400]"...Thank you."[/color] Gently taking her donut back, she slowly set it back down on a table next to her. [color=lightblue]"These festivals can get sort of...crazy."[/color] Kitala nodded, her eyes still narrowed. Returning her gaze back to Phoebe, she reached out and-somewhat roughly-tried to throw the white hood off of her head. Whoever this was, she wanted to look them in the eyes.