[center][h1][color=#8470FF]Ryan Frost[/color][/h1]- In the Pokemon Contest Line. - Interacting with: Chance ([@ZachChase]) [/center][hr] Ryan listened to the brief conversation of the trainers he had tried to talk to, though fell short due to his own personal withdrawal from the conversation. Sure, having a few moments to process it, he realized it probably wasn't the best decision he's made, but he couldn't bring himself to just interrupt what they were talking about. He didn't want to seem rude, especially towards someone who seemed very high class and fashionable, along with someone who was just as awkward as he was. And it wasn't like they were bad people either, they both seemed really nice... he could just feel something tugging at him and saying something would go wrong. He felt like they weren't like Pixie, who seemed to just get him, or the various pokemon friends he had left behind in Snowpoint. They just seemed to understand him, and he gladly accepted that understanding with his own in return. But other people or teenagers were different... He knew that was partially ridiculous, but with his mom and barely enough people to fill up one hand's fingers being in the list of people he's managed to talk to, while he had much more pokemon connections... He felt it sorta made sense. But when he felt the hand on his shoulder suddenly, he froze, and Pixie in return felt his sudden abrasiveness and looked up at who it was, tilting her head slightly as she didn't see a threat. [color=8882be]"This wish goes for you too. I would be honored to see a alolan ninetails. I heard stories that they rival the moon with their gleaming tails. It would be a honored pleasure to witness that."[/color] The fashionably dressed guy told Ryan, to which his shyness melted from shock to a surprised smile. Someone wanted to see him have growth, and even encouraged it, which was rather new to the near young adult. His mother was normally very oppressive when it came to what Ryan wanted, so hearing someone else say they looked forward to seeing his pokemon evolve made him happy. And he nodded at that, he himself wanting to see the day when Pixie evolves into the snowy white Ninetails. It would be an amazing experience to watch a pokemon evolve, and he hoped that when that day came, he and Pixie would be in total sync with one another. [color=8dc73f]"Hm... uh- sorry about that, so many people here today... sooo- what's your name?"[/color] And when the trainer with the Fletchling left, the one with the oddly colored skitty once again tried to start a conversation, but this time Ryan was ready for it. [color=#8470FF]"Oh, uh, yeah it really is,"[/color] he said in a friendly manner, referring to how busy it was before the kid asked Ryan what his name was, [color=#8470FF]"And it's Ryan, Ryan Frost. I wasn't expecting so many people in the contest line, or else I would have went to sign up for the League first."[/color] He continued, lightly laughing to himself awkwardly as he finished the sentence. From random Fletchling's messing around to a very interesting coordinator declaring everyone here her rival, he wondered how the league line was going, only to snap back to reality and remember he was in an actual conversation. [color=#8470FF]"Oh, sorry, uh, what's your name?"[/color]