[color=0076a3][h3][center]~Ceri~[/center][/h3][/color] [@Lmpkio] Interaction with Mat [hr] Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear. Ohdearohdearohdear. This was not good. Not good at all. [i][color=0076a3]"Coming to the festival! Great idea Ceri, you'll have [i]loads[/i] of fun! Note to past self: You're an idiot. Should have just stayed at home and read 101 ways to not get lost in a city you goddamn live in!"[/color][/i] Despite the festivities, Ceri just couldn't get herself worked up to enjoy them like everyone else seemed to be doing. Or perhaps, it was better to say she was too worked up to enjoy it. Being antisocial to the point of being actively terrified of most people didn't exactly make it easy. Not to mention the crippling self doubt whenever it came to speaking with others. Oh, and the fact she was completely, 100% lost. She had no idea how she had gotten lost, but here she was, in the middle of a crowd eyes as big as saucers ready to bolt in the opposite direction faster than a rabbit if someone so much as even sighed in her direction. Which way should she be going? The tree shouldn't be too hard to find, right? It was big, in the middle of a lake...but she honestly didn't want to go back as much as she complained. She [i]did[/i] want to try and enjoy this a bit, but it was...damn near impossible at best for her. [i][color=0076a3]"ohdearohdearwhatshouldIdo?"[/color][/i] Previous snark and hostility evaporated and was replaced with worry. Not that anyone would easily be able to tell since the robe covered all of her facial features. To the onlooker, it would probably appear as if the small, barely five foot tall mage clad in blue robes was frantically looking back and forth for something in the middle of a crowd near a tea stall before sighing, grabbing the hem of her hood and pulling it over her face with a small whine. [color=0076a3]"Oh what should I do?"[/color] She quietly grumbled. Maybe if she could find a guild mate she could stick with them? As long as it wasn't from the scary people from Golem's hand, she'd be fine with others. Probably. Right. Okay. Finding another member of harpy's wing in this crowd shouldn't be difficult. They had to be here too, right? She could do this. She had no reason to be afraid of someone from her own guild. They were nice people, they wouldn't hurt her in any way shape form or fashion. ...probably. She turned on her heels, not realizing that she had wandered fairly close to a table someone was drinking tea at and slamming face first into said person and their tea. Thankfully, they probably wouldn't feel much since she was about as physically impressive as a rabbit. Unfortunately, this caused Ceri to freeze completely. The man she had run into looked anything less than comforting, in fact, she was certain she was ten times her size and could crush her puny existence with a single word. She stared at him, completely unaware she had seen him around the guild quite often. [h3][color=a187be][center]~Sihu~[/center][/color][/h3] Like most of the others in Golem's Hand, Sihu was enjoying the festival as much as the others, even if her usually serious and no nonsense personality didn't particularly show it much. How was she enjoying it? Well, she had just gotten back from a rather extended leave on a mission. She wasn't one to stay in the city for long unless she was needed. So she was enjoying the city in the most typical way she knew how. And that was by not understanding what was going on at all. She didn't particularly get festivals. Well, not that she didn't know what they were, but a festival like this was fairly knew to her, so she ended up doing what seemed to be the most appropriate thing that everyone else was doing. eating about as much food as she could get her claws on. Currently, her mouth was stuffed with about five different forms of meat and her arms were holding more. [color=FF2400]"I swear to the Celestial King himself, I am going to [i]knock your teeth out[/i] if it's the last thing I do, you damned [i]demon[/i]-"[/color] ...well them sounded like fightin' words! Sihu swiveled her head in the direction of the voice. Looked like the actual festivites might be getting started soon! ...well, she'd eat first.