[center][h2][color=662d91]Ridley[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] The door to the tavern swiftly opened with a burst. An oddly thin but tall purple figure towered within the frame. It looked like some kind of alien life-form that wondered it's way in. A finer examination of it's red wings and pterodactyl-like skull proved it to be not just any alien life-form but none other than Ridley to those that knew of him. He stepped in having to tuck his wings and lower his head just to fit through the door, luckily for him the tavern was much larger on the inside. He was well over 6 ft and towered over the patrons to which he glared menacingly at as he walked over to the bar before taking a seat, his tail idly wrapping around the base of it. He was very tall indeed and had to crane his head down to look at the bartender lady [@Alisdragon911]. [color=a187be]"... I don't recall your face around here dear."[/color] Ridley had been in the tavern a number of times far in the past, you could say it was his abode. [color=a187be]"Then again, it has been quite some time since I've been here being it's rather difficult to find. Be a sweet young lady and fetch me a glass of Ethanol will you? Oh and make sure it's pure."[/color] Ridley held a smug look on his face. [color=a187be]"It is nice though to see you still working here, dwarf."[/color] nodding over to Snarf [@Snarfulblast].[color=a187be]"I hope that gruesome and rather bloody mess I had left behind from my last visit didn't prove too troublesome to clean up. That nosy bard did have it coming though, wouldn't you say? He did have rather good 'taste' however."[/color] he propped his head up with a clawed hand and chuckled darkly.