[center][h2]Phoebe[/h2] [b]Location:[/b] Festival || [b]Interactions:[/b] Xerath [@pkken], Kitala [@Shadeflare123] & Jansen [@Cardamonelaw][/center][hr] [indent] In the normal course of events, Phoebe would have apologized, and tried to make amends. She would have bowed her head, said her sorry's, and perhaps offer her up a donut of her own to placate the other girl. In the normal course of events, Phoebe would have stayed apathetic throughout this interaction, and let it pass on without incident. Of course, in the normal course of events, she would never had been called a "demon". She'd been give a myriad of appellations throughout her tenure as a member of Harpy's Wing, and not all of them were flattering. She'd been called "monster", "princess", "shut-in", "stuck-up" - but never demon. There were lines, after all, that her guild mates knew not to cross, especially when crossing that line involved getting struck by a spear of light sharpened to the point of deadliness - a consequence that many of her guild mates were there to witness. But the other girl standing before her was not privy to that little fact, and so stepped on that particular landmine with all the grace and deftness of an angry elephant. She opened her mouth, ready [i]to have words[/i] with the girl, before hesitating. Was starting a fight here really the best course of action? What was the point in getting worked up over such a petty squabble, over a donut of all things? Once again, Phoebe made ready to back down from the fight, when Kitala threw the hood off her head, glaring at her straight in the eyes with an imperious look she just couldn't ignore now. Very well, the velvet gloves were off. "I'm sorry . . ." Phoebe began, "that you feel the need to act like such a petulant [i]child[/i]." She finished, her voice barely rising above the soft volume it started with, but undoubtedly with increasing venom. [/indent]