Ohhh, God. It's been all of 2 days, and it already seems like we're bound to be getting Growlithegate going down in this RP! Hahaha. Edit: Oh, and while I'm here. Just to clarify, my oncoming trainer and co-ordinator; Euphie, will be using a Salandit. Although, I don't really mind if anyone else wants to double-up on that. She's technically a character I wrote for a Pokemon RP [@MechonRaptor] worked on, well over a year gone now. And like so many of Raptor's RP projects, the IC ran to an incredible, earth-shattering zero posts. Yeah my friend, I'm still salty she got packed so ignominiously into the vault! ;) Luckily, this is a fantastic time to resurrect and reinvent her. Not that she was a thing in the first place, but now she will be! By pure coincidence she has some common ground with Talonite's heritage, although unfortunately she's less-so rough-around-the-edges, as Talonite is, more like... outright malignant. Well, we'll see how things go!