“Three hundred Pokemon,” Rebecca noted with a deflecting tone of authority, “Got it.” She highly doubted she’d have the convenience of a very tight corridor to funnel them all through one at a time. She could still hope, though, even if she still had to come up with a backup plan. Though she’d probably understand the deal with the organization itself better as she went along, for now she got exactly what she wanted to know in the form of a map. It was a bit confusing about how it worked, but she felt like she got the gist of it. Now that she knew she was up against hundreds of enemies, though, she completely understood why she got the TM. “Yeah, that makes a lot of sense,” She agreed, “I could attack three hundred Pokemon at once that way if they were close enough. I think.” She didn't really know the limits on that sort of thing, but she was always more adept at being a fairy than being a psychic, so she had a degree of optimism. Dexter’s mentioning of the button on the back of the map caused her to almost instinctively reach for it before she tentatively withdrew it. She didn’t want a repeat of that toaster incident... “Also yeah,” the Ralts added quickly. “What’s that button do?”