[center][hr][hr][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Lionel%20Wickett&name=AKENATEN.ttf&size=65&style_color=9C6F6F[/IMG] [hr][b]Location:[/b] The Kitchen[hr][/center] [color=9C6F6F]"Well first,"[/color] Lionel loudly interjected, [color=9C6F6F]"we should gather all the rest of the crew into one place and firmly establish what Miss Powell has learned before we come up with any plans. Don't have the hankerin' to be foolin' around with half-cocked plans based on half-understood information, tryin' to get all our chicks in line while the Alliance is marching their way over to here so they can collect backtaxes on our entrails."[/color] Normally in some sort of high stress situation like this, Lionel made it a policy to let the Captain take charge of her crew. However, this was the Alliance specifically coming for this crew, and while they had nothing specifically on him, getting caught with a bunch of wanted men and women was not on his To-Do List. As far as the Camilla was concerned, he didn't give two shits about the obvious backstory soap drama that was going on right now.If she was really some Alliance spy/sympathizer that wanted to screw over the entire crew, she could have easily done that by sitting pretty and waiting for the government to just fly in and pick them up. The fact that she was even telling them about this kept her off his shit list.