[@Caits] Callie was right even if she didn't know it. It bothered Caius that he was a werewolf and she was a human. Not in the sense that they were of different species but more because he was afraid that he might put her in danger or worse, he'd hurt her. Of course, he would go to all lengths to protect her, even laying down his life to keep her safe. But sometimes things just have a way of screwing everything up. There was still that chance that he himself would hurt her. Different possible scenarios played through his mind as he closed his eyes. He could hear her heart beating fast in her chest. He heard her walk towards him. He was just about to open his mouth to assure her that he was perfectly fine sleeping in the couch and that she shouldn't worry about him when he felt her lips against his. He opened his eyes and stared straight into her brown ones. [color=fff200]"You made it the best..."[/color] she said. Somehow the words made him happy but at the same time embarrassed him. [color=turquoise]"Uh... you're welcome, I guess,"[/color] he said, flustered at her nearness. He felt the pull, that desire to take her into his arms again.