Gredy politely shook his head at the question of trading him. "[color=f26522]I promise you that I'm not going to trade you. Especially not to this 'Pokemon Club'.[/color]" Turning to look at the mob that had been trading pokemon in, he couldn't hide the sneer in his voice as he said "[color=f26522]This seems dodgy as hell. It's almost certainly a scam but I don't know all of the pieces yet... [/color]" There was one possibility that came to mind, through he didn't wish to discuss it publicly... at least not so close to the Pokemon Club in case he was correct. No point tipping them off until it was too late for them to cut their losses and run. Turning back to 'Chris' and hearing his request, Gredy actually had to ponder for a moment. "[color=f26522]Hmm... What to call you...[/color]" Allowing his mind to drift a little, he remembered one of his favorite stories that he had gotten into lately... and how the name character was betrayed early on by several people, one of whom was his best friend out of jealousy. "[color=f26522]How does Dantes sound to you?[/color]" [@Holy Soldier]