[quote]"Peck's got hisself in a position again, eh?" His face wrinkled as he grinned. "Caught by Shadow. And you're the Lady of Light that's gon' save him, issat right? With your two Lanterns and your high attitude, hah? You think a third Lantern's gonna make all the difference, eh?" He paced a little, and his eyes never left her. "One step closer ta letting that Dragon out, ya mean. I know who you are."[/quote] The old man reminded her of the peasant elder that she had seen several times in her father's court during meeting hours. He spoke in the same mannerism of the elder back in Riverforde. He even looked similar. Before she would have been disgusted by such a man, but she found it oddly comforting now. A reminder of her old life. Of her old home. She could not deny that she missed it, but this was her new home now. She had bound herself to this place. She could tell he believed her, but trust would be a lot more work. [quote]The old man glanced back at them, then stepped forward. "I know that you know we don't think highly of that Dragon. You release that damn thing you kill us all. But Peck is our responsibility, an' I believe you when you tell me what's happened to him." He tried to stare her down -- and Anise might see, in the light of the blue lantern, that his left eye had a rune carved into the pupil. He was looking deep into her soul, searching for even the slightest twitch of dishonesty or ill intention. He stepped even closer, intimidating for his feebleness, and he hummed under his breath. "The Lantern of Scales and the Lantern of Dreams are not here," he said in a low, final voice. "They have their own bearers now, with their own fates. You have more than enough power, with your Lanterns and your runes and your Pond-Lady's blessing. It is impressive, I will admit." He was uncertain; there was, definitely, an odd source of light in her chest -- something even she couldn't see. He couldn't tell its nature, whether it meant harm or healing.[/quote] Anise met the old man's gaze, but she also noticed the congregation gathering behind him. She felt that perhaps this would be the best time to voice her belief on the Dragon. While he was focusing on her. "I know you fear the Dragon. The Spirits share that fear. I imagine they are the ones that taught you to fear her. Just consider this: would you destroy your own children or the creations that you have spent years upon years giving life to? The amount of effort it must take to create a world must be incredible even for a god. Even if it has taken a life of its own and one you certainly didn't expect would you be able to destroy something you put your heart and soul into?" She could accept the Lanterns being taken by new bearers, as much as she knew the Dragon was upset by it, she had little choice right now than to accept it. [quote]"I refuse to call you the Lady of Light," he told her flatly. "At least not until you've proven it. You're not a spirit of the forest by any means -- you're just as human as any of us. But you mean well, and you're possibly the most powerful person on this island." [/quote] She nodded in understanding. "I appreciate your honesty. I didn't expect you to accept me as the Lady of Light for free." As much as stating the obvious that was, she didn't want to state the obvious much more than necessary. [quote]"My riders will go with you." Five gryphon-riders stepped forward, already armored and armed with bows and spears. "I'll send word to Peck's brother, as well, to meet you at the mountain. Riders." He looked to the armored soldiers awaiting command. "Follow her lead as long as her orders ring true. If she deviates from our laws, remember Peck's rescue is your objective." The riders voiced their understanding. The old man took another step back and folded his arms. "We expect to have Peck back in one piece." He gestured with his head. "Git moving."[/quote] A mixed feeling of gratitude and nervousness clung to Anise's heart. "There is one danger I must tell you: the Lord of Shadow demanded that I come alone. He likely knows that I came here and spoke with you about this. I gave Peck a rune to protect him, and he will come to no physical harm while he has it. If you do come along, I am not sure what will happen. I know that you must go to try and save your comrade, but I cannot in good conscience risk his life by letting you follow me there." Then an idea came to mind. "I can -- if you allow me to -- share my light with you. Perhaps then you will be even more capable of protecting yourselves against the dangers of the darkness." At least she could try. She felt that if she concentrated hard enough she could pull the light within herself and extend it to others. She could extend it to them through the Rune of Light that she had just created. She could grant a piece of the sun within her to them.