[color=c4df9b]“As you command your majesty~”[/color] Sala said with a strange happy intonation in her voice. She shook her head a few times, causing some of the water in her hair to fly off around, but she did it in a way it won’t go on Adalia though.[color=c4df9b]” Yes, our arrangements are fine as they are now!”[/color] She added with a small smile as she walked over to the railing of the balcony.[color=c4df9b]” We know that you will take really good care of Chalsea~ just remember a lot of ice!” [/color]Sala finally added with a giggle as she spun around on a heel, her body shifting and reshaping once more into a raven that flew out into the rain. She flew away as fast as she arrived, causing actually a trail into the rain that true will last for a brief moment, but in that moment it looked like a true work of art. She hastily arrived back at the housing for the warband. She landed right in front of the front door and shifted back, before rushing upstairs to where Chalsea’s room was, leaving a trail of water behind herself. The girl stormed into the room, where her sister was still tending after their leader. Vala was putting a piece of cloth soaked into ice cold water on Chalsea’s forehead when Sala almost tacked her into a hug.[color=c4df9b]” It’s done!” [/color]The wet girl stated and looked down at the woman who they thought of as a sister.[color=c4df9b]” How is … Chalsea’s fine… she’s strong after all.”[/color] They once more started finishing their sentences and giggled before Sala quickly explained how she met Adalia and the queen’s reply. The girls giggled with sly smiles as they prepared Chalsea for being moved. They nimbly put some clean clothing on her and finished just as the soldiers had arrived to carry her over to Adalia’s mansion. Sala and Vala walked the soldiers and the sleeping Chalsea to the front door until they were out in the rain. Then the girls returned to their room. Chalsea was still out cold when the soldiers carrying her had arrived at Adalia’s mansion. She had no way of perceiving the surroundings, but a presence she eventually felt made her calm down a little. It was around the time when she and Adalia were alone in the room. Still unconscious she still somehow realized who was with her. Despite that she didn’t really react as the queen gently undressed her in order to perform her magic. All Chalsea could feel at that point was a warm welcoming sensation spreading from her stomach. The embers that had once more tried to turn into a overpowering blaze inside her body were quickly calmed. She breathing was normal again, though her temperature still was a little bit high, but by the time Adalia left, Chalsea was enjoying a nice relaxing sleep for the moment. While the queen was enjoying her bath and fell asleep in it, Chalsea’s body was still trying to get accustomed to it’s new state. The true nature of her blood that laid dormant for so many years. Her father had his reasons to put that ring on her and hide the truth from her, but she didn’t know that and now that he was long dead there was no one else to ask about it. She was going to have to slowly search for clues about her past, but for now her temperature was on the rise again. An insatiable thirst was burning through her body. Her calm sleep had turned into a restless struggle as she was painfully moving in her delirium like state somewhere between the dream realm and the real world. Everything wash hazy and she couldn’t focus her thoughts.[color=6ecff6]"It... burns..."[/color] She was moaning in pain, but even the moans themselves felt painful as her throat felt drier than a desert! In a haze she somehow rolled once to the edge of the bed when the coolness off the ice hit her face. Still half crazed by the fever and feeling the insane thirst, she reached over and pulled some ice to her mouth where she started swallowing pieces of ice for a while until her temperature stabilized again and she felt asleep again… mostly.