[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjY4MDNiMC5VbUZwYzNOaElFcHZibVZ6LjEA/the-juke-box.ffp.png[/img][/center] With the sleight of hand one [i]really should[/i] expect from a magician, mysteriously one of her metal playing cards found it's way behind Jonathan's ear, only to gently trail down toward his neck. All it would take is a little pressure to draw blood. [color=darkviolet]"Now Johnny boy, you should know that flirting with someone who can kill you in her ideal killing ground is [i]not[/i] the [i]best way[/i] to appeal to a woman. And Little One? I hate him as much as you do, don't worry."[/color] A playful, albeit not the dirty, kind of smirk crosses her lips, and she reveals a deck of cards, shuffling them with incredible dexterity. [color=darkviolet]"Though of course, we could always play a little game to change that. If you're up for it, that is? My offer can go as high as yours."[/color] Her smile was a cocky one, aimed to deter the man away. But she couldn't blame him if he was stupid enough to let her win.