[h2]Xavier & Athos[/h2] [hr] Xavier watched Alex leave and rolled his eyes. He looked at Athos. [color=orange]"Do you think he realizes I don't give a shit"[/color] Athos shrugged. [color=gray]"To think he even said your wolves are dimbasses but didn't realize you didn't order that...by the way how's clean up going"[/color] Xavier sighed. [color=orange]"Apparently there's more to add. You got anything to make that easier"[/color] [color=gray]"I have fire."[/color] Xavier huffed. [color=orange]"To think all it took was some dumbass wolves to wreck my plans"[/color] Athos shrugged. [color=gray]"To be fair those plans did have a very low chance of working"[/color] Xavier looked unamused. [color=orange]"Hey I paid for quite a lot of your products....you can at least pretend to be supportive"[/color] [color=gray]"Still neutral. So no"[/color] Another huff from Xavier before he stood and paused. [color=orange]"I may require one of those products soon"[/color] [color=gray]"Okay. Just try not to die. You still owe me half"[/color] Xavier rolled his eyes paid for the beer and left the pub. Athos shot a look in the direction of his chef. [color=gray]"Can I put on a shirt now?"[/color] [b]Nope. One full day. Still hilarious that that vampire didn't attack him like you thought. So I'm milking every drop of this[/b] Athos groaned. [color=gray]"I hate it when you win."[/color]