[@Mangrale][@1Hawkeyes] [@LiegeLord][@SoulEater] [color=ec008c]"I have swum in a lake before, where you could see the bottom at all times. I don't like the feeling of the water plants agents my feet, but I've never been really deep in the lake that can't feel the bottom any more."[/color] Valencia said back. She placed her lollipop in her mouth and began to look around. She spotted a couple of birds then she turned around to she who were walking behind. A new boy was there walking next to James. Valencia turned around a little bit to study the new guy when she saw a mysterious hawk on the shoulder of James. *It isn't a bird at all, black hawks with red eyes don't exist in nature so far I know. This is interesting maybe it could be part of his powers since he hasn't spoken about it yet.* Valencia thought while studying the two boys. She began to walk a little slower. [color=ec008c]"I believe we haven't met before, I'm Valencia nice to meet you."[/color] She said with a happy sounding voice to the new guy. Valencia didn't say anything about the hawk since not all of them would be happy to talk about there powers openly or find it difficult.