“Yeah, no kidding,” Scarlet grumbled, trying to find any dry spots in this small room. Sadly the water was moving to a point where it would drown them all first before any salvation could be found. “I don’t think they’re still there Rose. The chattering’s died down and I think even they realize they can’t fight the tide when this thing overflows,” she said in regards to their earlier foes. And the portrait still stared down impassively with no notion of letting up. It almost felt like this was a lost cause and she turned to glare at Marianne. If anyone had even a faint clue of what was going on, it was going to be her. But it looked like someone had beaten her to the interrogation and Lusso actively questioned the dark-haired girl. To her response, Marianne merely shrugged with that same light smirk on her face. “That’s not my jurisdiction to answer dear Lusso. I am what you perceive me to be and what Scarlet over there perceives is that I have an idea of what’s going on,” she said aloud, making the other woman jump. “I do, but I think I’ll leave you lot to figure it out on your own~” To that Scarlet rolled her eyes but so far the group seemed to be doing just that. While Faira had found some sort of secret passage-way, the twins were attempting to dislodge the portrait from the ceiling. Attempting to help, she threw a knife straight into the heart of the portrait, causing the water flow not to stop, but slow down a little. As for the human and the robot, they would find their efforts worthwhile as the door managed to be open. Yet the air current was much stronger than that of the water and both would soon find their bodies slowly tugging forward. As if some massive maw was inhaling them inwards. [hr] [center][@Scarifar], [@Siaya Dragalorn], [@KoL], [@shi12][/center]