[color=lightblue]"Sounds like a plan then! Come on! There's a clearing just over the way."[/color] Aiden said gesturing away from the lab and into the Poke Park. IT took a little work getting through the crowd but the determination of Aiden and Zorex to fight their new friends was strong, leading them through to a much mroe open area. From there is was just a short jaunt into the Poke Park that had an abundance of trees and local flora surrounding them. It didn't take much longer to find a field away from large crowds and with enough space for the two parties to enjoy a good match. Of course there were still others around, some even having battles of their own and it was safe to say that each one had a few spectators ready to see the entertaining and lively matches that were about to take place! Lucina and Roxy against Zorex and Aiden was no different, bringing a few onlookers to the sight of them squaring off and getting into position for a light hearted and friendly match. However, even though this was all done in fun, there was no way either Aiden or Zorex was about to go easy on them. [color=lightblue]"Ready!"[/color] He called out to Roxy, not wanting to be unfair in the slightest.