[color=708090]"I haven't even started yet. You wouldn't last 10 minutes once I get started."[/color]- he replied to Alejandra The grin never leaving his face- [color=708090]"Maybe when you have something of worth to offer. I don't do betting on promises."[/color]- he finished, then turned to the screen. As much as he acted, he felt empty. The fire was gone, although, it might rekindle by completely defeating this pathetic excuse of a magician. Still, as no reward was guaranteed and there was no third side to keep them to their promises, it was a complete waste of time. She would definitely try some kind of trick or cheat, something he could easily catch by paying close attention. And what after that? Beside making her admit defeat he got nothing. But maybe later, when they got their pay of memories... Still waiting for his drink he started: [color=708090]"Where the fuck is my dri.."[/color]-stopping mid sentence he went behind the bar by sliding over the counter and breaking a few glasses on the process. [color=708090]"If you want something done properly, don't wait it from incompetent fools"[/color]-that also applied for the one currently in charge of the body for now. Mixing a few drinks with surprising sleight of hand, he raised the glass while adding: [color=708090]"Anyone want some?"[/color]