[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/AkGWenD.png[/img][/center] [i]I don't know why I've done half the things I've done,but I know this is where I belong, surrounded by my own. Criminals, The Condemned, The Depressed... The Assholes.[/i] Abbey found herself idling at the Deadly Room's bar rather than interacting with her fellow assassins. It wasn't all that uncommon for her to distract herself with conversation and annoying the others, but today she felt a bit different. Quietly sipping her beverage and flipping casually through the scriptures contained in her bible, her eyes wandered around the rather fancy looking room, which greatly contrasted with her dress that day. She found herself wearing black from head to toe-- hood up and everything. It was her insurgent outfit. It never bothered her. She always felt out of place no matter the condition, but then again, with the people she had become surrounded with, was she really the oddball? Unable to hold back a scowl, Abbey soon matched the thudding of Raissa's cards with the quick snapping shut of her book. She held herself back from saying anything, but Abbey couldn't help but stifle a chuckle as her attention was drawn to the argument between Raissa and Jonathan.She had nothing to contribute to such a petty issue. If anything she would start speaking and end up bringing up another biblical story to everyone's dismay. Abbey remained silent during the whole bout. Well, at least until she witnessed Jonathan attempting to hop over the counter. Through cringing as he shattered numerous glasses, Abbey shifted herself over a seat or two until she was close enough to engage in the conversation. Gazing into her glass, she realized how close it was to emptiness. This was no issue, of course. In a jolly manner, she rose her hand slightly. [color=Mediumvioletred]"Yes please!"[/color] Her voice was sing-songy as she sent Jonathan a smile. Sliding her glass his way.